My Experience At Milano Unica!
- Posted by fashionvibe
- On February 15, 2017
My Experience At Milano Unica
A week ago I was one of the lucky ones to be part of Milano Unica fair in Milan.
Milano Unica is one of the biggest textile fairs in Europe with a huge variety of mainly European suppliers.
Many designers and buyers from the fashion indistry attend Milano Unica in order to buy qualities and prints for the new season, or get information about the new trend reports and collections.
First day was really interesting and fun, since we had a big tour around the fiera and discovered what the inspiration was for the next 2 seasons. Metallic textures, stripes and rich qualities are some of the highlights for the next 2 seasons.
Later on we had the luck to listen the amazing speech of Paul Smith, a legent in the fashion industry, who literally is the person behind everything, not only the design but also the production, the marketing, the merchandising, the creative direction, the photography, the styling! A great man full of fresh ideas, a big smile and positive energy, explained how he started and how important is to follow your dream and not your wallet.
The second day was a bit more relaxed. We lostened the speech of the President of Milano Unica, who explained us how the industry has changed after the online booming and how brands change their whole philosophy and marketing strategy according that.
A great experience I would love to repeat!